

SSI is providing thought leadership and solutions to clients who design, develop, and manage complex systems. Within the defense sector, SSI is aiding the institutionalization of Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) methodologies and supporting the development of a multi-disciplinary integrated systems modeling capability (Digital Thread). Within automotive,

SSI staff are engaged in the development of autonomous vehicle reference architectures. Internationally, the firm is supporting the effort to transform systems engineering to a model based discipline. SSI has also provided development planning, strategic communications, and other services to clients within high-tech, digital media, and education.





Systems Engineering

Applying the art and science of engineering and design to ensure delivery of stakeholder value across application domains and life cycle phases

Digital transformation


Transforming innovation through digital engineering methods to speed design cycles and manage the complexity of today's cyber-physical systems



The collaborative use of models by man and machine to visualize and analyze systems and consequently stimulate ideation and accelerate innovation.​

Advanced Analytics


Leveraging systems thinking and analysis, data science, knowledge management and visualization to improve shared understanding and reduce risk

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